#EscapeWithNCAg is a year-long series that will focus on agritourism across North Carolina.

Imagine warming your feet by a campfire and looking up at the stars before turning into a beautiful cabin in the woods. The next day, you spend the afternoon walking trails, honing your aim at precision clay shooting, or learning how to improve your gardening skills. In the evening, you’re treated to a four-course farm meal. You’re at a communal table, meeting folks who are there for the same reason as you: to connect to nature, healthier foods, and each other. Your meal is crafted for the season by a partnership of two worlds: a head chef and a head farmer who joined forces to celebrate vegetables and meats grown for their taste and nutrients.

#EscapeWithNCAg to discover Juneberry Ridge, a 750-acre regenerative farm and nature retreat located an hour’s drive east of Charlotte, in Norwood. The farm is a peaceful getaway from city life, offering relaxation in nature and clay shooting practice at their incredible shooting facilities. From farm-fresh products, including meats, vegetables and herbs, to a diverse range of agritoruism events, Juneberry Ridge is a must-visit location for those seeking relaxation and connection with the land.

by Taylor Harris